Review – My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent

  • Title: My Soul to Keep
  • Author: Rachel Vincent
  • Series: Soul Screamers #3
  • Previous Book: My Soul to Save
  • Next Book: My Soul to Steal
  • Source: Personal Purchase

Description from Goodreads:

Kaylee has one addiction: her very hot, very popular boyfriend, Nash. A banshee like Kaylee, Nash understands her like no one else. Nothing can come between them.Until something does.Demon breath. No, not the toothpaste-challenged kind. The Netherworld kind. The kind that reallycan kill you. Somehow the super-addictive substance has made its way to the human world. But how? Kaylee and Nash have to cut off the source and protect their friends—one of whom is already hooked.And so is someone else…


Wow. That’s all I can say to start this review. Though I knew generally what this book was about from the Goodreads synopsis, I still love that it picked right up in the first chapter, and I always find it interesting how Vincent introduces the main conflict. The pacing of the story really worked for me, too. I found myself listening as much as possible and late into the night. I have never finished an audiobook so fast before! There was plenty of intense moments that had me holding my breath, and even more mystery! This book definitely had me flipping – er, listening – feverishly! I also loved  how there were a couple of little things in the book that seemed completely mundane that actually came back to be really significant later in the story, which I never saw coming. Unfortunately, there were a few things that I did see coming. Oddly enough, even though I’m always trying to figure out what’s going on, I don’t really like when I’m  right!

I really liked most of the character development in this book. Kaylee finally seems to be growing into her own and showing a backbone, rather than the insecure version of herself from the previous book, and I started to like her a lot more in this book. Nash was very unpredictable and kind of an ass. Kaylee’s father also seems to be finding a good middle ground as a father, rather than the overprotective mess from the previous book. My one big complaint is that Tod is missing for most of the first half or more of the book. I think he might be my favorite character!

I really liked the end of the book. Trying not to give too much away, but the last chapter specifically, really shows how much Kaylee grows throughout this book. I really recommend this book, and I can’t wait to start the next!

Only because of the fact that I was able to predict a couple of things, I’m giving this book 4 – 4.5 stars. I really loved it, but that little bit of predictability makes me not able to give it a full 5 stars.

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One thought on “Review – My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent

  1. WWW Wednesday #4 « Mommy's Reading Break December 12, 2012 at 9:47 am Reply

    […] the last week, I finished the following Soul Screamers books: My Soul to Keep (#3), My Soul to Steal (#4), Reaper (#4.5), and If I Die (#5). I LOVE these books, but I’m a […]

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